How to Easily Move an Aging Parent into their Next Home

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Age Group:

Adults, 55+, Everyone

Program Description

Event Details

Regardless of the specific situation, it is possible to transform this highly stressful time into one that makes a move efficient and seamless while easing the physical and emotional anxiety for the aging parent and their children. Senior moving expert Monica Young will share techniques to support a DIY move with dignity, compassion, and love. Topics include:

  • Identify the senior’s needs . . . both current and future.
  • Create a moving team.
  • Plan logistics of the move.
  • Identify priority belongings in the home . . . and dispose of the rest.
  • Most of all, reduce the emotional stress that typically accompanies a move – for everyone.

Through real-life anecdotes, guiding questions, worksheets, and checklists, readers will plan and execute this move with minimal stress and trauma.


This program is free and does not require registration.

Please contact library staff if you require specific accommodation in order to participate in this program.

Si necesita alguna adaptación específica para participar en este programa, póngase en contacto con el personal de la biblioteca.