Visit inventHQ to craft community!
Calling all middle schoolers to join us for a two hour Intro to Debate workshop. During this session, we'll play a variety of debate games that will introduce students to public speaking, supporting evidence, and working with a debate partner.
Food will be served at this program. Every attempt will be made to avoid known allergens but please use the Contact Info section of this event to reach out via email or phone if you have allergies and have questions about what food will be served.
Make something unique and fun at Broomfield Library's makerspace, inventHQ, located on the 2nd floor of 6 Garden Center! Invent, learn, play, and build community.
This program requires a waiver. You can fill one out online ahead of time. You only need to fill out the inventHQ waiver once.
Este programa requiere una declaración de renuncia. Puede hacerlo en línea con antelación. Solo tienes que llenar la renuncia de inventHQ una vez.
Ages 12 and younger need an adult with them during their visit.
12 años o menos necesitan un adulto acompañante.
Library Board Meeting