Tech Tutoring

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Adults, 55+
Registration for this event will close on February 27, 2025 @ 3:00pm.
Contact a staff member to register for this event.
There is 1 seat remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Broomfield Library offers free one-on-one tech tutoring for help with your devices!

Bring your device (laptop, smartphone, tablet, e-reader) and your tech questions to your appointment for your Tech Tutor to troubleshoot.

You may schedule two weeks in advance and can make two appointments per calendar month. 

Please call the Reference Desk at 720-887-2350 to schedule your Tech Tutor appointment today!


Please contact library staff if you require specific accommodation in order to participate in this program.

Si necesita alguna adaptación específica para participar en este programa, póngase en contacto con el personal de la biblioteca.